
Working with Alycia was like connecting with my inner mother, inner Goddess and high Priestess I had longed to feel in every cell of my body. Our work together cleared deep wounds of grief, anger, fear, contraction and heartache I didn’t even realize were still controlling me. She taught me how to feel safe clearing my own energy, fully feeling my feelings and moving through them so they no longer control me.

She also helped me to reclaim my inner She-Ra, my warrior Goddess of loving, trusting that my divine feminine can be both tender and fierce at the same time. After 15 years of personal growth, Alycia’s work was the deep healing that my cells had been craving all along and in a few short months transformed my entire being in ways I couldn’t even dream of. If you are lucky enough to work with Alycia, don’t miss the opportunity of a lifetime.
— R. Tenenbaum
This work has changed my life. I’ve never worked through my emotions, and more importantly, my trauma, in such a deeply interactive and dynamic way. Alycia has taught me how to be so much more compassionate with myself, and how to open to the world while holding space for the fears that come with it. I am so grateful for all of her expertise, life experience, and the deep and expansive Love she has shared with me. I would recommend any work with Alycia to anyone who feels called to explore being in their body and soul in a new way.
— K. Yanagida
Alycia is by far the best therapist I have ever been to - as an individual and as a couple. Working with Alycia using somatic experiencing did - as she suggested - enable me to get to the root of my healing. Alycia is a warm person I completely trust, and she was unfailingly empathetic and supportive. Her process is very empowering because she asks you about your intuition throughout. It can also feel fun, sometimes. I can’t stop talking about the work we do together and recommend her often.
— C. DeMelle
I don’t think I could find someone more skillful in teaching these exercises - it requires vulnerability, humility, and personal expression to teach an unusual moving art / type of mindfulness. I have a VERY sensitive disposition - HSP is the Wikipedia version of my internal sensitivity. That said, I experienced the expressive portions of this class as an exercise in mindfulness that brought a distinctly different inner experience and feeling that I do not achieve in Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong or seated meditation.
— Brett C.
It’s very interesting. Alycia, you really share your knowledge with passion and love. I felt a bit unsure at the beginning, but as more moves and sounds came out of my body, and my system, little by little, let go, I gave myself entirely to the moment, to the movements and sounds. It really felt good. Leaving, I was filled with calming energy and totally relaxed. Have to let you know that I had the BEST VERY BEAUTIFUL BLESSED sleeping night in a long time (amazing 7+ hrs.) that evening... So, it is fantastic.”
— Beatriz B.
I have absolutely loved working with Alycia, first as a part of the community cast in Ovum, and then as a regular attendee of her Deepening Sense workshops. Before working with Alycia, it’d been years since I’d taken a dance class or danced much at all. From the first time I walked into her home studio, I felt safe in her presence and under her guidance as a teacher. I love the intuitive way in which she teaches, a way that feels deeply attuned to whatever theme we are exploring, the energy and experience of the participants and group as a whole, and the natural elements of the world. In her classes, I feel encouraged to experience whatever movement is spontaneously seeking to rise up out of me, without judgment or expectations to do things a certain way. I leave her workshops feeling more connected to my body, to my heart, to my spiritual path, and to my own deeper presence in the universe. Her teaching is a gift, as is her bright, loving and penetrating presence.
— A. Liu Kellor
I found Alycia’s work to be infused with both technical and creative styles of Yoga, Butoh and somatic awareness. She has a gift of intuitive sensing of the needs of her participants in order to help them meet new parts of themselves. My experiences learning from and with Alycia have been deeply nourishing, helped me find a sense of ritual and grace in the seemingly mundane and given me a chance to look within my body to reveal parts of myself I didn’t know where there.
— R. Bjornson
For 3 decades, I have practiced yoga almost daily, including during my 2 pregnancies. I practiced relentlessly, even at those times, only to discover how damaging unbalanced practices can be. I had incredibly, beautiful and problem free pregnancies with natural births. Somehow, after my son’s birth, my hip labrum tore in such a way that it left me limping, unstable and in excruciating pain. Soon after the birth , I met regularly with Alycia as she gently guided me through a more balanced, harmonious and feminine practice than what I was practicing at that point. It helped me regain emotional and physical stability incredibly fast, but it is really her energetic work on my hip, lower back and legs that allowed space for deep healing to start taking place.

I am familiar with energetic treatments, having studied the marma system through Yoga, but I had not yet received treatment that was so deeply connected to the deepest layers of my energetic body. I can compare the opening and release of my fascial lines to that I experienced in myofascial and craniosacral therapy sessions, and I also felt similarities with a marma massage. Yet, what I had not encountered before was the awareness that healing can really be invited through a healer’s hand in such a way that it leaves you humbly bowing to your ancestral self, therefore opening many more doors for healing to happen on a multidimentional level. I am so grateful for Alycia’s willingness to have treated me when I needed it the most, and also for her intelligence in guiding the healing in such a way that I did not think of it in terms of ‘words’ or ‘concepts’ that would have seemed way out there for a European skeptical person only recently relocated to the West of the United States.
— C. Litalien